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Solar cells

I Don't think it would be worth it to try to put solar cells on a sub.
BUT ...if you live where it's sunny, have water front property near
where you dock the sub, and you don't have grid power available, then a
solar shore station could work. Keep in mind it takes as much power to
charge my sub as it does to charge a golf cart, or about 7 to 10 kilo
watt hours of power( about $1 worth per charge). For the large
investment required to do that with solar, you would be farther ahead
with a portable generator and a battery charger, then use the left over
money to build a better sub.
Jon from Michigan

>Mike here from Malaysia,
>I got to thinking about power requirements for our vehicles. Has
>anyone seen any application of solar cells to help power an
>underwater vehicle (especially while running on the surface) but also
>that I see Edmund Scientific sells a solar cell that delivers 12V on a
>cloudy day (under low-light conditions). Could a series of solar cells
>or panels be set up on the top surface to catch any sunlight coming
>down thru the water (assuming you have fairly clear water, not muddy
>or cloudy). How 'bout it, guys, any feedback?
