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Re: Greetings, and Fiberglass Construction?

Hi  Paul  the x-1 and 2 are both made out of fiberglass but they are wet subs
   however If one wanted to you could make them

Paul Julius wrote:

> I joined the psubs mailing list this week.  I was very excited to find the list and site.  I have read through many of the archived letters, and found them very useful.  I look forward to receiving all this wonderful information.  Thanks to the site and list administrator(s).  Thanks also to all the participants.
> I was wondering if anyone has tried building a 1 atm small sub out of fiberglass, of any kind.  I would be interested in hearing about the shortcomings, pitfalls, and benefits.
> Again, thanks and hello.
> Paul Julius
> Comp Sci Student, USD