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Hi, Steve:
        ABS, Lloyds Surveyors, and DNV ( Det Norske Veritas) are the
typical 'certifiying agencies' for subs  . .the requirements are pretty
onerous, though, unless you have either deep pockets or a commercial
purpose in mind!
        All of these agencies publish a "guideline for certification of
manned submersibles" they vary. somewhat. Lloyds is the most flexible and
leans towards proof testing as opposed to ABS's strict requirement for
theoretical calculation of design collapse ( in addition to pressure
testing) ABS is trying hard to become less stodgy, though. I gave a talk at
their last 'submersible   committee' meeting, last October . .and one of
the major topics was a harmonization of ABS rules to recognise what has
been learned/recorded in the decades since these rules were first put in
        I have been responsible for the certification of about 60
'submersibles',  mostly Lloyds, but some DNV and ABS.
 Suggest you write to the agency of your choice and get a copy of the
guidelines. About $70 per copy, as I recall.
Phil Nuytten
fellow Canuck!