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Some questions about this group?

Hi everyone.
I'm Just trying to get to know the group members.
How many have a sub designed?
How many plan on building one?
How many are building now?
How many have built a sub?
How many of us have a sub? If yes, give specs.
Any one working on an rov? etc.etc....
If there is enough interest, and it hasn't  been done already,
I could put together a sub status list if everyone responded to me.
Then maybe Ray could add it to the site? I'm willing to help.
Also I think it would be good to have a section showing ideas and parts
that worked, and contrast them with things that didn't. Including
drawings or sketches and photos of failed parts or designs. Blown out
view ports and crushed hulls, send a strong safety message! We can learn
a lot from each others successes and failures.
Let me know your thoughts.
Don't everyone answer to the list, or it might get flooded.
Thanks, Jon shawl@torchlake.com