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New member.

Hello to all on the psub Discussion Group.
I like to introduce myself, my name is Jon Shawl. I just found this site
this week and I'm quite excited about finding this much interest in
personal subs. It's got me fired up again. I have designed and built a
4500 lb 2 man Sub about 14 years ago, it's first lake dive was on Oct.
11, 1987. I have some early photos of my sub on my new web page at
http://www.nwcis.com/submarine/ .
I still have the sub, but it's been on blocks the last 2 years. It needs
new batteries, seals, and paint. I also need to finish mounting the view
ports on the conning tower. I helped a friend with his electrical
controls when he was building his 14,000 lb sub with 2 remote arms
(photos later). I want to thank Ray Keefer again for adding a link to my
page on the psubs Photos page. Also, thanks goes out to all the People
that have responded to my E-mails. I'm still catching up on reading the
Discussion Archive to see what's going on in this group. I have some
info and experiences, (does and don'ts) I wish to share with everyone
just starting out. Like some others that have built already, I learned a
couple of things the hard way. So as my spare time allows I want to be
involved in this group and share what I have learned with anyone.
E-mail me anytime. shawl@torchlake.com
Safe diving to all!
Sincerely, Jonathan Shawl