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submersible in your picture gallery (Fwd)

Hi Mario and Sylvain,

Can you please follow up on this one? 


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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:48:33 -0500 (EST)
From: "Robert Mojeski" <FISH_HAWK@webtv.net>
Subject: submersible in your picture gallery
To: webmaster@psubs.org

 hellow Ray 
   I am interested in a perticular sub in your gallery . The owners /
builders are Mario and Sylvain  Lamirande . the sub Cap Nemo 11 is the
one im interested in . I am currently in processof building very similar
sub andwold be interested  in some general specs of this sub . If at all
possible could this happen ? If so plese let me know .                        
                                     Thanks  again 

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