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Re: Pressure Regulator

Subscuba@aol.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I have finished my Sub and have launched it for the first time. This also
> means I now have a new crop of problems to solve. My Sub is a wet Sub with a
> slightly modified SCUBA regulator used for pressure compensation. One of my
> problems is that I have a slow leak in the Battery/Air compartment which is
> not a real problem, at present since the leak is very small, about 1 or 2
> ounces in 3 hours.


Also, do you have more design netails somewhere?  It's tough to come up
with more answers than questions at this point.

> I would like to come up with a regulator that would always
> give me a positive pressure of about 3 to 8 PSI.
> Perhaps I get the leak when I turn the Sub upside down, inverted. My regulator
> then probably produces a very slight negative pressure. I haven't been able to
> spot any bubbles but I do get the small amount of water. It is seawater not
> battery acid. I use sealed AGM lead acid batteries.

Optimas?  Hawkers?

> Anybody got any low cost ideas??? Like a simple mod to the SCUBA regulator?
> The mods I have now stop any backflow through the normally used exhaust valve.
> Bear in mind that when I come up, the system vents a lot of air. I estimate
> about 2 to 3 cubic feet in about 20 seconds.
> Ken martindale

Martin Sanderse