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Re: [Fwd: Re: Diving Saucer]

	Go Martin!

	It's nice to see the cold light of truth upon the Cousteau Diving
Saucer at last! :) Sort of makes you wonder what other hanging exhibits
are not real. I remember having a talk with the curator of Dinosaur Hall
at the Museaum of Natural History about their T-rex skull, which is really
a gem. They had made a casting of the real one to put twenty feet in the
air atop their relatively complete skeleton in the hall, and kept the
original in a climate-controlled plexiglass box which was at the time well
guarded also. The curator said that they could not take the risk of
putting the original on wires up high, so they made the replica. Looks
like the same sort of thought...
	Nice to see some chatter on psubs, particularly with such humor.


John Brownlee
Lunar and Planetary Lab
University of Arizona
jonnie @ lpl . arizona . edu