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Re: sub design

On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Bill wrote:

>  one other thing.. is it my computer, or has there been no activity here
> for a while.????
Hasn't been much traffic here.  To tell the truth, I haven't been thinking
much about submarines, I just finished winding the secondary for a tesla
coil I'm building(took me 3 hours to wind 800 turns of #24 magnet wire on
a 3" coil form), once the coil's done my next project will be to build a
trebuchet, and after that whether I build a sub or a gas turbine will
depend on whether I have a welder yet...  Though, a submarine is
deffinitely somewhere on my list on things to build.  TTYL! 

Paul Anderson
"This is Maurice, our sheep-hearding carrot."
http://www.hpv.on.ca sys admin