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Re: sub design

Ray Keefer wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> >   This is a follow up from quite a while ago.. I was explaining how  I was
> >going to make the end caps for my sub.. I have now made a scale replica,
> >out of metal, just to see how easy it would be to accomplish.  I have a
> >picture of it if anyone is interested..
> Yes, send pictures. Send them to ray@psubs and I'll get them to the web site.
> > By the way, I found the design in
> >a "welding handbook" after I thought of it.  They call it a pressure
> >bonnet. It appears to be very easy to construct.
> Please give me details of the book. Publisher, author, edition, date....
>ok.. I sent the pictures to Ray.. No LAUGHING... it is something to look at while I build the real one!!!!