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RE: sub design

My guess is no-one is getting a sub for Christmas and therefore is
sidetracked for the season.  More responses can be expected as the fruitcake
settles and VISA bill sticker shock subsides.

I'd be interested in the pressure bonnet design.  Can you attach a drawing
to a mailing to this site?  As I remember, this was the design using a
number of pipe sections resembling the peels of an orange that had been
sliced into wedges.  It seemed like a good way to use standard material for
a awkward situation, and a little extra thickness would make up for any
stress concentration.  Let's see it, I promise not to be over-critical,

> ----------
> From: 	Bill[SMTP:heinzind@cadvision.com]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, December 08, 1998 5:44 AM
> To: 	Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: 	sub design
>    This is a follow up from quite a while ago.. I was explaining how  I
> was
> going to make the end caps for my sub.. I have now made a scale replica,
> out of metal, just to see how easy it would be to accomplish.  I have a
> picture of it if anyone is interested..  By the way, I found the design in
> a "welding handbook" after I thought of it.  They call it a pressure
> bonnet. It appears to be very easy to construct. 
>   Just for everyones info.  My design is going to be 11.5 feet long 42
> inch
> diameter.  The pipe I am using appears to be metric, but is very close to
> 9/16 thick. (just a hair over) but not 5/8 as I thought originally.  I
> originally wanted it to be about 8 feet long, but the conning tower, and
> weight of the sub, would not allow me to put enough ballast in the bottom
> to make sure it would float upright..  11 feet will allow me to accomplish
> this..
>  one other thing.. is it my computer, or has there been no activity here
> for a while.????
> bill