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Re: Psubs logo

Hello Everyone,

I apologize in advance for not having the following information in
a conspicuous place.  There's no way for new members to know that
we've split up some discussions and I'm working to resolve that as
soon as possible.
About 6-8 months ago there was general concensous that we would
split out topics pertaining to logos, membership, etc from this
discussion group to another.  There are a number of participants
in personal_submersibles who are not interested in discussing
issues that do not relate to PSUB manufacturing or use.  We 
therefore created a new discussion group specifically for that
purpose called "members" where we are free to discuss issues
relating to logos, business cards, group meetings, etc. 
There is no formal membership requirement and the "members" list
is open to all.  Those participants interested in discussing
logos, etc, should register for the members list and submit their
topics in that discussion group.
Existing personal_submersible participants should feel free to
*gently* direct new participants to the "members" discussion group
when issues such as logos arise in the "personal_submersibles"
discussion group.  I'm working on an autosubscriber for the
"MEMBERS" list and will ask Ray to upload it to the web page as
soon as I have it complete.

Please bring logo topics to members@psubs.org by subscribing to
the discussion group in the following manner: 

        Send email to majordomo@psubs.org with the following
        text in the body of the message:
        subscribe members

Personal_Submersibles: 84
Members: 8

Thanks for your continued participation and support of the
Personal Submersibles Discussion Group.

Jonathan Wallace
PSUBS Internet Technical Leader