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Re: Psubs logo

On Sat, 21 Nov 98 12:05:48 +0100 Axel Iehle  writes:
>Hi Michael,

Good morning, Axel.

>those pictures you point out are great.
>But for a Submarines logo I think they are too
>'surface' mermaids. Nearly swimming-pool mermaids.

You're right.  I'd not paid any attention to where they were: just
to the shape.  

>I think if we want to associate subs and mermaids we
>should choose mermaids from the deep.
>That means to me underwater pictures where you see the surface
>from below rather than from above.

Yes.  Consider this: take the silhouette from "Maiden Voyage,"  view it 
from beneath (with the surface waves visible beyond) and change the 
tail to something more submarine-like.  Perhaps with the squared planes 
of the 'Skipjack' class, and the image become much more appropriate.

>This depicts very well (to my mind) the 3D / volume feeling
>you can have when diving. And it's the way divers and Psubers
>look at the surface: from below.
>Well this is only my opinion.

I agree.

>PS: What about 'wUnderworld technology' as for the associated text?

I like "Mobilis in mobili," actually.  I thought that an inspired choice.

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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