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And new newcommer news

Hi All,

As everybody, I have to 'register' to the members after
having registered to the Majordomo.

'seems like a punishment:

"Hi there.
I'm new to the list (uhhh... please don't look at me...).
I don't own a sub (Ouch! Saying that really hurts! My doctor told me to avoid 
speaking about subs). 
I've never built one, nor started (Shame on me! What do I do at night?).
But I've been a sub-addict for many years now ('sounds ridiculous. I should 
have written "many centuries"... they won't take me serious now...)"

I must admit I didn't read the complete archive before writing my first 
But I'm on the way. Promised.
I decided to do so as having received only two messages since the D-Day I 
submitted, I wonder if I receive all, and thus I wonder if others can hear me 
(it can't be normal for sure: I know how much Psubbers like to speak about 
anything. They surely should have sent some new recipies for cooking 
dead-horses by now! And what if I would be the only Psubber still alive?! If 
they all had decided to start, built their sub, and all disappeared 
underwater?! With the good ideas I've read on the list, most of them are 
certainly dead by now, and the others probably prefer to stay down and look... 
"...What oxygen level? You mean I need oxygen to breath? Rubbish! I stay!...").

- Here I wake up. Find myself in front of my screen.
My boss is shaking my shoulder asking for last week's delivery. -

What I read in the archive confirmed my first heart-attack (!) when I 
discovered the Psubs site: it seems like a good place to jump in. I really 
enjoy this mixture of
- life-endangering brillant ideas
- real experienced (practical) knowledge
- humanity
- humour

OK. I did it. I became 'visible' from the others.
Now I should try to let them think I've always been here...

u/w experience: scuba-diver
Project: building a 1 atm sub

PS: Are there any french or italian Psubbers around?

PS2: Eh! Eh! My first post almost as long as John Schestag's ones!
OK, next time I'll try to post messages with more technical content.