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Albert Long wrote:

> My friend, Doug previtt has a wonderful web site for his sub the Delta.
> It has great pics and info on his dives around the world.
> Also great links to all sub related companies and other sites.
> for some interesting video and a transmission from the delta from over
> 700 ft. down off the channel islands, this was the first trans. form a
> sub live to the internet.
> click on links, then the learning technologies NASA "logo button"
> great stuff...
> Hope you like it...
> Doug finally got on the internet, I gave him the psubs address, so
> hopefully he'll join the group !
> A. Long

Albert?  I think I missed something.  How do I find this Web site?

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"You have a very interesting face, but, you should drain it once in a while."