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Re: Trolling Motors

> [snip]      Also concerning safety is the statement that I made earlier that if you
> are relying on motor propulsion as your primary emergency means of getting
> to the surface you are making a major safety mistake.  Do I think you are
> safer with failure proof shaft seals?  The answer is yes.  But I will tell
> you that my 6.7Hp is not my security blanket.  My tanks are.

There ya go . . . As I mentioned in one of my posts to this thread, any upward movement through the
water column from your main motor will be due to a vectored force and, by definition, secondary in
effect.  However, I'm curious as to whether your first line of defense is a hard tank or soft
(ambient) tank.

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"You have a very interesting face, but, you should drain it once in a while."