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Re: Trolling Motors

I think that letter was uncalled for !!!
I would never try something that has not been proven !
Did you not read the letter I posted titled "To anyone designing or building a sub"
apparently not.

This trolling motor was indeed tested, and by someone that has been building and operating
mini subs for very long time.
The revolver was pointed at his head, not mine.

These personal attacks have no business being here with this group.
We are supposed to be helping each other !!!
If my last letter was taken by some as being an attack, I apologize for this, It was not
meant to be...

I just assumed that don's having used this motor with great success was a pretty good "test"

for this product... maybe not... What does it take ?

Maybe I need to look up the word "proven" in the dictionary

Can't we all just get along ?

Martin Sanderse wrote:

> Albert Long wrote:
> >
> > Well guys,  have you ever heard the expression "the proof is in the pudding"
> > ?
> > also "If it ain't broke why fix it !!!"
> >
> > All I know about this is, don has been using the evinrude for some time now
> > at depths of 700 ft. !!!
> > Even the guys that made the dam thing would probably say, "your kidding, 700
> > ft."
> > It works... That's it...
> > I guess you either try it or you don't... I'm going to try it, when I do I
> > will let you know how it works for me, of coarse im only going 150 or so but
> > at least I know its been to 700.
> > I'll just consider the difference as a safety factor !!!
> On the risk that Albert is just trolling us for emotional responses:
> How about testing it without risking your health first?  OK guys, let's think of a good
> testing method before we have a long post-mortem discussion.  That way if he wants to
> kill himself his family can't say he didn't know how to test the thing.
> Umm. . . .   we could always test Albert too.  Perhaps giving him a revolver with one
> bullet in it on a dare would deflect the cause of death to poor judgement rather than to
> > STEVE McColman wrote:
> >
> > > I agree with you Ken!  Why would evinrude use such a high quality,
> > > pressure proof, "expensive" shaft seal for a motor thats not meant to be
> > > more than 3 feet under the water???
> > >
> > >                                        Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
> > >
> > > >I use on my Sub a Minnkota 70 pound thrust 24 volt Trolling Motor ($169
> > > each).
> > > >I examined the shaft seal and found it is a simple "Cup" seal in which
> > > the
> > > >shaft rotates in a rubber seal. Thus the shaft does abrade the rubber.
> > > This
> > > >degradation is a function of differential pressure across the seal and
> > > for low
> > > >pressures is long lasting.
> > > >
> > > >When I was talking to Minnkota, they stated the seal wasn't good for
> > > much more
> > > >than about 30 feet of fresh water before it could leak. I believe his
> > > response
> > > >was conservative but their seal certainly would not work at 700 feet
> > > and if it
> > > >did it wouldn't last long. I ended up pressure compensating my motor
> > > with a
> > > >somewhat simple SCUBA regulator such that the differential pressure
> > > across the
> > > >shaft seal was less than 2 feet of seawater and was positive. This
> > > means that
> > > >any leaks would leak air out and not corrosive seawater in. At least I
> > > hope
> > > >so, I still have not made sea trials yet although the my Wet Sub is
> > > ready.
> > > >
> > > >The point of this is that since the Evinrude Trolling Motor is in the
> > > same
> > > >competitive market I personally doubt that their shaft seal will
> > > reliably
> > > >operate with 700 feet of sea water differential pressure. Pressure
> > > >compensation, I believe, will be required.
> > > >
> > > >If someone is planning to use the Evinrude Trolling Motor, it would be
> > > >critical to call the vendor and get real data on their shaft seals. I
> > > know I
> > > >did on the Minnkota Trolling Motor. I spent about $20 on the phone
> > > calls. I
> > > >also got design information on the Motor Controller I designed. High
> > > surge
> > > >currents can demagnetize the Trolling motors permanent magnet stator.
> > > >
> > > >Good Luck,
> > > >
> > > >Ken Martindale
> > > >
> > >
> > > ______________________________________________________
> > > Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> --
> Martin Sanderse
> ---------------
> The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
> Professionals harnessing quantitative methods for effective management decisions.