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Re: Trolling Motors

In a message dated 10/22/98 2:58:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Subscuba@aol.com

<< I'm not completely happy with what I am doing since
 the positive pressure depends on having the SCUBA regulator always at a
 lower,deeper, point than my air spaces. What happens when I turn upside down?
 Bear in mind I have a Wet Sub as I intend to do small excursions outside the
 Sub plus I can easily bailout. Maybe no excursions if some of the critters I
 have seen are bold and/or hungry. My maximum design depth is 480 feet and is
 limited by my floatation. That's  much deeper than I intend to go. >>

Hi Ken;

Well, I've seen you online lotsa times, and from your postings I know you're
pretty wise about the science of diving....  but I sure hope you're not
planning on taking your wet sub down to 480, unless you're doing Nitrox or
some kind of mixed gas.  Even so, very risky.  I hope it's just a design
buffer, not an intended depth for a wet sub....

What are you doing with your sub?  How deep do you intend to take it?
