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Re: Analyzing tanks (Fwd)

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Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:28:31 -0700
From: "Sami Laine" <sami@kelpdiver.com>
Subject: Re: Analyzing tanks
To: ba_diving@lists.best.com

>Perhaps someone has information on the type to use for testing Nitrox bottles.
>The Draeger company should have something since they are getting involved with

The MiniOX sensors and analyzers are pretty common, but they are really
designed for shop use, they are somewhat fragile. Ceramatec has a nice
looking integrated unit that you can put in a bag for protection but you
still need a separate constant flow reg to use it.

If anyone knows of a compact, rugged unit with a Ceramatec sensor (these
last longer than MiniOX ones) and a simple flow rate reg, I'd be interested


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