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Re: The " build a sub for under $500" plans rip off


I'd liek to see them.  I also saw them.

- Shain

Gregory B. Snyder wrote:

> Hey guys - I succumbed to purchasing plans on "building your own
> submersible for under $500.00" from the popular-link deal on the internet.
> for about $20 they sent me ten xeroxed pages with instructions like" lay
> fiberglass sheeting into the form of a submarine, then put in you air tank,
> they your off..." It included some relatively useless sketches of the sub
> you could build if you had a degreee in fiberglass technology.
> At any rate, if anyone is interested in seeing them, I would be happy to
> mail them the original version ( cant I get in trouble for copying it? ).
> I would just ask that whoever wants them, make it available to the next guy
> after you see how truly worthless they are.
> They use a pice of pvc pipe with an elbow joint to let the air out of the
> trapped bubble of the wet sub.  Pointing it so the pipe is up, lets air out
> and you sink. Pointing the pipe down, the tip goes below the water line
> and you stop descending.  A scuba tank provides more air as needed.
> at any rate - e -mail me if you are interested.
> Thanks,
> Greg