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The " build a sub for under $500" plans rip off

Hey guys - I succumbed to purchasing plans on "building your own 
submersible for under $500.00" from the popular-link deal on the internet.
for about $20 they sent me ten xeroxed pages with instructions like" lay 
fiberglass sheeting into the form of a submarine, then put in you air tank, 
they your off..." It included some relatively useless sketches of the sub 
you could build if you had a degreee in fiberglass technology.
At any rate, if anyone is interested in seeing them, I would be happy to 
mail them the original version ( cant I get in trouble for copying it? ).
I would just ask that whoever wants them, make it available to the next guy 
after you see how truly worthless they are.
They use a pice of pvc pipe with an elbow joint to let the air out of the 
trapped bubble of the wet sub.  Pointing it so the pipe is up, lets air out 
and you sink. Pointing the pipe down, the tip goes below the water line 
and you stop descending.  A scuba tank provides more air as needed.
at any rate - e -mail me if you are interested.

