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Re: Propane Tank Sub -- San Francisco?

Bill wrote:
>  >I dont know about the one in San Francisco, but there is one in the
> Calgary area (canada)... or there was.. I can check it out closer.. It was
> built  quite a few years ago, and it apparently worked ok, for a while.. It
> did eventually sink, then was just used as a display.  The person that I
> talked to a few years ago didnt know much more about it, and I never did
> enquire any further.. Ill see what I can dig up about it

It was in Bowness on Highway 1 (16th Avenue) at the dive shop just east of the Dairy 
Queen, east of the intersection with Sarcee Trail.  (3 years ago anyway)

Martin Sanderse
The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
Professionals harnessing quantitative methods for effective management decisions.