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Re: Propane Tank Sub -- San Francisco?

At 05:30 PM 98/08/25 +0000, you wrote:
>Does anybody know anything about a one atmosphere submersible built from
>a propane tank on display somewhere on the waterfront in San Francisco?
>(A friend of mine was telling me about it...)  I was wondering who built
>it, what it's specs are, and all that good stuff?  I'm especially
>interested in the tank size, how the hull was reinforced, and whether it
>was actually seaworthy?
>I dont know about the one in San Francisco, but there is one in the
Calgary area (canada)... or there was.. I can check it out closer.. It was
built  quite a few years ago, and it apparently worked ok, for a while.. It
did eventually sink, then was just used as a display.  The person that I
talked to a few years ago didnt know much more about it, and I never did
enquire any further.. Ill see what I can dig up about it