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Re: Regulating air supply

At 22:17 -0700 15<8<1998, Ben Trumble wrote:
>When I built my semi-dry sub, modifying some old plans from Popular
>Mechanics ....<snip>....When the
>pipe was pointed down in theory you had maximum positive bouyancy, straight
>up, maximum negative bouyancy...but obviously this only works if you
>manually introduce air to increase bouyancy via the purge valve on an air
>tank.  I found that maintaining neutral bouyancy was almost a full time

Why can't I just let air bleed into the canopy constantly, so the bubble is
always as big as your little piece-of-pipe will let it be?  This of course
assumes you have plenty of air, but it's a quickstupid solution to the
fresh air to breathe problem at the same time...

my website, mostly about building my house: http://customer.wcta.net/buchner
Osage MN USA