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Re: Regulating air supply

In a message dated 8/15/98 8:24:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
nemotoad@iname.com writes:

<< I like some advice on methods of increasing and fine-tuning bouyancy (above
and beyond my ballast tanks and lead weights) using air.  And I especially
need advice on regulating the breathable air in the sub -- how to discharge
CO2 -- how to introduce air other than using a SCUBA mouthpiece? >>

These are good questions, and I'd love to hear some answers...

My take on the CO2 is that you have three choices... either absorb it, in
which case you still need an O2 supply.  This may not be ideal for a semi-dry
sub because some absorbants are dangerous when wet, and the control systems
are tricky...  Or flush the cabin with a steady flow of fresh air (which the
SportSub uses), or breathe off a Scuba mouthpiece.  In my case, I will
probably use the latter unless there are better ways which are as effective
and as simple but that I don't know about (yet).

Buoyancy control is something that I'd love to hear some discussion about
