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Regulating air supply

Okay... I've put a week of vacation to good use, and I now have a hull for a semi-dry sub.  (And I may never get the smell of epoxy resin out of my garage!  Much work remains to be done -- building two strap-on MBTs, designing a watertight battery case to go inside the cabin, and working out the mechanics of the dive planes and rudder -- but at this point what concerns me most id the air supply, and regulating bouyancy?  I can adjust the gross bouyancy from positive, to neutral, to negative pretty easily, but I like some advice on methods of increasing and fine-tuning bouyancy (above and beyond my ballast tanks and lead weights) using air.  And I especially need advice on regulating the breathable air in the sub -- how to discharge CO2 -- how to introduce air other than using a SCUBA mouthpiece?



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