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Re: Question?

>I can just feel the tension building as I type this, but I believe that
>wood and fiberglass would work just fine as long as you design for its
>limitations and keep SAFETY the #1 priority. Remember that the first sub
>"the Turtle" was made of wood.
>Now if limitations of a wood/glass boat say dont dive more than 50 feet,
>then dont go below 50 feet. Steel would be preferable, but I believe
>that you can build a sub out of alot of materials, just be safe and
>OK, lets have it.
>Scott Shakespeare

The theory is fine.  Sure, recreate the Turtle, or Fulton's wooden subs.
The problem is building in a safety net. If the crush depth on your
wood/fiberglass boat is 60 feet, then you'd better limit your dives to 15
feet and never venture into water deeper than '45.

"I never met a rattlesnake I didn't like."