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Re: Commercially available sub plans?

Ben Trumble wrote:

> Guys, I'm interested in trying to ascertain just what is available in
> the way of sub plans (complete) either from commercial sources, or
> elsewhere -- certified, or uncertified?  I realize that a a few places
> are listed under Sources on the psubs site...but are there others?  For
> example, the SportSub folks no longer sell either kits, or plans -- just
> finished boats.  Kind of a drag, since theirs has got to be one of the
> most tested semi-dry vessels out there, and their bouyancy setup would
> have been great when I was playing with a semi-dry sub.  And on the dry
> sub side of things -- are C Questor's overview plans really the only
> thing available besides the packages for the KT 250, 350, and 600?

To be honest, a lot would depend on how deep you want to go.  If you want to
stay shallow I found two sites you might be interested in.

The first is at "www.popularlink.com/main84.html".  They call it the
"Powersub", by description It closely matches one I saw in either PM or MI
20-25 years back.  The one I read about was based on an aircrast external
fuel tank and looked much nicer than the illistration in this link.  It is a
semi-dry sub, the original had a position outside for a second diver, I'll
try to find out which magazine/issue.

The second link is at "www.rqriley.com/aquasub"  The "aquasub" is actually a
snorkle sub, as a result it is only down about 4-5 feet.  It is a trimaran
with hinged arms and the ballast tanks in the center hull.  It is also a dry

Even if these aren't quite what your after, you might be able to use their
concepts in designing your own.  Also, the aquasub uses fiberclass over
foam, much like many homebult a/c.  If your not going deep or are using a n
ambiant preasure design this might prove practical.

Sorry I don't provide the actual links, but I haven't worked that out yet.