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RE: Commercially available sub plans?

On Tue, 04 Aug 1998 13:28:40 +0000,
personal_submersibles@psubs.org wrote...
>Guys, I'm interested in trying to ascertain just what is available in
>the way of sub plans (complete) either from commercial sources, or
>elsewhere -- certified, or uncertified?  I realize that a a few places
>are listed under Sources on the psubs site...but are there others?  For
>example, the SportSub folks no longer sell either kits, or plans -- just
>finished boats.  Kind of a drag, since theirs has got to be one of the
>most tested semi-dry vessels out there, and their bouyancy setup would
>have been great when I was playing with a semi-dry sub.  And on the dry
>sub side of things -- are C Questor's overview plans really the only
>thing available besides the packages for the KT 250, 350, and 600?
>Ben - check again with the sportssub people, I just got information that 
they would sell me a hull ( $6500.00 ) and plans to complete the work - the 
figured final cost on the resort sub to be about $20,000.