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Re: HP, weight and visability

In a message dated 6/15/98 7:46:31 PM SA Pacific Standard Time,
Buchner@wcta.net writes:

<< When you say "passengers," what exactly do you mean? Anybody besides
 yourself? Anybody besides the builders, family members, etc.? Friends?
 Anbody who's not paying? Anybody who won't sue if something goes wrong? I'm
 guessing it's a just a "liability" sort of thing, so if it's not a
 commercial operation, that is if the owner has an agreement with anybody
 who comes along that they accept the risks -- well, then it's just between
 them... Right? >>

All I would say is don't count liability lightly.  It's why Cessna and Piper
don't build single engine airplanes anymore.  There are sharks out there!!!