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Re: liability?

Mike here,
I don't remember so well, is a sub considered a "vehicle". If so,
maybe there are insurance companies
that handle marine,3rd-party coverage?


Mike Young

---Sean Walinga <swalinga@home.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Imagine if anything goes wrong...  Imagine a situation where a
passenger is forced to swim up from the depths with you due to a sub
difficulty. Will they take you to court? If your answer is "yes", that
is a passenger. :)
> Sean
> >When you say "passengers," what exactly do you mean? Anybody besides
> >yourself? Anybody besides the builders, family members, etc.?
> >Anbody who's not paying? Anybody who won't sue if something goes
wrong? I'm
> >guessing it's a just a "liability" sort of thing, so if it's not a
> >commercial operation, that is if the owner has an agreement with
> >who comes along that they accept the risks -- well, then it's just
> >them... Right?
> >
> >
> >---------
> >David

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