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Thru hull device

>I would recommend a simple double o-ring seal surrounding a ball type
>thrust bearing and two needle type rotating bearings to absorb the
>differential pressure and bending moments respectively.  This >assembly
>would be flooded with a waterproof grease via a zirc fitting located
>opposite a bleed screw (to let the grease flow out during 
>The whole thing could be manufactured as an assembly with a flange to
>hold a static seal.  A nut on the inside could sandwich the hull to
>prevent rotation.  It could then be installed in a single reamed hole 
>reduce the amount of machining on the hull and reduce the cost 
>The ball and thrust bearings would also be very economical.  

Thanks for the info, it sounds great! But I cant visualize how this is 
put together or what it even looks like.  Could you draw something up 
and send me a hard copy or a digital drawing?  For instance, whats a 
"thrust bearing"? And where do you get such things? This particular 
problem is holding me up, I'm anxious to get it resolved and move on.

Scott Shakespeare

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