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RE: In line with dumb ideas...

Looks like the overall response thus far is positive, and indeed Jon is
already rolling the ball ("pulling the cork"???)... so it seems in good
time we shall be all set.



> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jonathan Wallace [SMTP:jon@whoweb.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, May 21, 1998 6:40 PM
> To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject:	Re: In line with dumb ideas...
> >What if we all, that is everybody on the list, write up a paragraph
> or
> >two summary of what they do, what their interest in psubs is,...
> Ray has asked for an online survey more than once and I am currently
> putting one together.  To carry your thought a bit further, I'd like
> to set up a page where participants can submit a photo (so we can put
> faces with names) and include a short bio about themselves with email
> and web links if they choose to their personal web pages.
> So, what your asking for is on the way.  I want to pass it by Ray
> first
> and then we can put it up for public display.  If anyone wants to add
> anything to the survey they can suggest it and we can add it in.
> I hope to have it done soon.  Promise.
> Jon