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I have a question for the group, I'm about ready to buy the batteries 
and motor for my sub. Like I mentioned before, it's a flyer-type sub, so 
I plan on using a long, narrow prop, maybe 36 to 48 inches dia. I need a 
motor powerful enough to swing that kind of screw thru the water with 
even steady pressure. I dont enticipate alot of throttle variation. My 
questions are these...

1. Is the power a 24 volt motor puts out (as opposed to a 12-volt) worth 
the added expense in $ and extra power payload?

2. I plan to carry atleast 4 batteries, any recomendations as to which 
kind would suit my design the best?

3. Any recomendations as to which motor would work well?

It might be an option to use 2 smaller motors rather than one large one, 
I just want the most efficient way to propel my sub thru the water as 
fast as possible.

Any ideas?

Scott Shakespeare

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