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Re: PSUBS Icon

> >Jonathan Wallace wrote:
> >
> >> I'd like to put a call out for an official PSUBS icon

> [snip]

> >> Any thoughts?
> >
> >Like the idea as long as it doesn't have exclusively American content.
> No eagles, ok?   :-)
> >
> >Rick Lucertini
> >Vancouver, CANADA
> >
> >
> Here, Here, Rick.  How about a beaver or two!!!
> Steve McColman
> Vancouver island

Hi, Steve!  Never had a problem with Canadian beaver.     ;-D

By the way, what part of the Island are you from?  Been diving off of Lasquiti, Qualicum, Texada,
Campbell River, Howe Sound, Galiano, Valdes, and who knows where else.  Vis was wonderful up at C.


ps.: what's your interest in subs?