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Re: Organized Chaos

Ray Keefer wrote:
>I think I'll drop the idea of an official organization. It is more
>trouble than I am willing to put into my life.

Well, let's think about
this some more.  It doesn't hurt to talk about it.  I don't think we
have to incorporate and I don't think we have to set up the
organization so as to be any trouble for anyone.  All we need
are people that enjoy our interest/hobby/sport enough to declare it
an organization rather than *JUST* a mailing list.
At most, the simplest of an organizational structure would be enough
to get the ball rolling.  Those who want to only participate in a
mailing list discussion can continue to do so without any impact. 
Nothing changes for them.  Those who want to take further steps, like
business cards or representing the group at some event would be able
to do so with confidence, coordination, and one unified message, look,
and feel.  

I brought up the concept of participant vs member, and someone asked
why everyone wouldn't then become a member.  Well they could, and
hopefully would, since the difference between them would be minor.
I don't suggest screening potential members and believe we should
still remain an "interest" group at heart.  Members would have a
voice in the direction of the organization whereas participants
would simply continue to discuss issues around the design and use
of submersibles through the mailing list and chat room.

As an example, take the recent discussion about including AUV's in
the "scope" section of the web page.  Participants of the
mailing list could certainly express their view on the issue as a
discussion topic, but members would ultimately decide what the
formal wording would be.

So what constitutes a member?  Just saying you want to be one I
suppose and recording information such as name and address.  There
isn't a heck of a lot that we can provide to members anyway since
we are an electronic "organization".  But it's a committment of
heart and spirit.  As a member, you're saying you are probably
willing to at least *think* about extending your participation
beyond the mailing list.  Maybe you'll consider meeting at some
dive convention or represent the group when you go to some museum
or foreign port.  Not as a requirement, but because you
want to.  This is what gives an organization meaning and worth.
Use Greenpeace, Sierra Club, or any other organization as an
example.  Without their structure, they would just be a bunch of
people with a common interest.  Which is exactly what they are
WITH their structure.  But their structure gives them their
recognition from people and groups outside their own participants.
To outsiders, an organized group provides the perception of
committment and sincerity to your particular interest.  And
*THAT* is what gets you the respect from other organizations
(such as museums) which leads to the discounts or special
treatment that some of you are looking for.

A core group of people could attempt to provide directional guidance
for the organization and pass it on to members for

There are many limitations that will prevent us from incurring the
"overhead" that many organizations get bogged down with.  We won't
be having formal meetings because we're too spread out around the
globe for that.  Members will not have to devote yet-another-night
out for a meeting.  We won't be accepting dues or writing checks, so
there are no monetary issues to be concerned about.

Considering our major issues thusfar have been AUV scope inclusion
and business cards, we aren't talking the AMA or NEA here.  Just a
laid back organization that has not lost sight of our original desire
to meet others interested in our topic area and share information.

We don't have to give up anything that we currently have.  The
mailing list and chat server will always be available to everyone.
But some people are beginning to suggest coordinating trips to
conventions or having a meeting between ourselves.  This is a bit
more difficult to do when there is no structure to the group.  

Here's a possible organizational concept I'm just throwing out for
discussion purposes:

Title                   Duties
President               None that I can think of.  They
                        are a figure head just so we can
                        say we have an organizational
                        head of office.  No power, no glory,
                        just a title.

Public Relations        Deal with any formal requests for
Officer                 information and/or interviews about
                        the organization.

                        This carries the most responsibility
                        and should be someone who is well
                        versed and can talk intelligently
                        about the technological aspects of
                        personal submersibles as well as the
                        human aspects of our organization.
                        (i.e. why the group is important,
                        to us at least, and how our group can
                        benefit others interested in the same 

                        When the US NAVY decommissions a sub
                        and contacts PSUBS.ORG as a donation
                        candidate, the PRO (Public Relations
                        Officer) would handle the transfer
                        of title.  (Told you it carries a lot
                        of responsibility)

                        Email addressed to INFO@PSUBS.ORG
                        would be forwarded to this person.

Secretary               Don't need one.  The mailing list can be
                        our archive.  Official decisions can be
                        posted on the mailing list.  

Treasurer               Don't need one.  We collect no dues
                        and write no checks.  If someone gives
                        us a huge donation, THEN we worry about
                        electing a Treasurer.

WebMaster               Status Quo.  I nominate Ray Keefer.
                        He's been doing it, wants to keep doing
                        it, and there's no impact on anyone if
                        he continues doing it.

Members                 Voting privileges on all issues.  Dues, $0.
                        Right to obtain official PSUBS business
                        cards.  Right to use an official PSUBS email
                        address YOURNAME@PSUBS.ORG

Participants            No voting rights, no PSUBS email address,
                        no business cards.  Full access to all
                        other PSUBS sponsored events including
                        mailing list, chat, web pages, etc.

As an alternative, we could do away with the concept of
member/participant and simply declare that signing up for the
discussion group provides you membership.

Regardless of the final makeup, I do believe that some structure
would provide us more benefit than detriment.

Ok, you can start throwing vegetables and eggs now.  :) :)