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A bloke (Fwd)


Help if you can. I am at work runnin on a Sun Workstation. I can't read
Microsoft Word documents here (Partly due to internal politics but mostly
because I don't have the program.).


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Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 11:48:31 +0800
From: "Jan" <jan@coastlink.com.au>
Subject: A bloke
To: ray@psubs.org

Hi Ray,

I run a small ISP in the  town of Rockingham Western Australia.

A gentleman walked in off the street and handed me this paper to see if I
could help him, so to the Search Engine I went and came across
psubs.org  I don't know if you can help him, however I have attached the
details for you to reply to, if you wish you send e-mail replies to me, for
a short time at least I will not mind as he hasn't a computer so there for
does NOT have internet access, if not direct them via snail mail to the
gentleman inquiring...  The attached file is a MSWord document...

Jan Langley


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