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Re: HP, weight and visability

In a message dated 4/24/98 8:48:23 PM SA Pacific Standard Time, Jon@huv.com

<< You (not you in particular, just whoever) really have to adjust your
 thinking when you start dealing with dynamic "flier"-type positively
 buoyant subs. Many of the standard "rules" and limitations that traditional
 submarines have don't apply. Of course, these types of subs bring in their
 own rules and limitations, so like most things in life, it's a trade-off...

I get a tickle when you keep raising this issue... you certainly are
persuasive, so I have a few questions.  Do these designs incorporate any
ability to hover or is constant movement required to remain submerged?  How
slow can you go and remain at depth?
There has been past discussion and concern about visibility in some waters,
which makes