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Re: toilets

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998, Ray Keefer wrote:

> On a semi-dry sub is it so easy? If you pee does it float to the surface
> inside your cockpit? Do you swim outside go? Hold you breath while you do it
> or do you don scuba?
Pee doesn't really float...

> I am
> concerned because my ultimate design is a diesel-electric submersible with a
> 1000 mile surface crusing range. I will certainly need to go.
Cool.  Just put a toilet on the sub, then plumb the dung into a tank,
where it is digested and the methane it produces during digestion can be
used for fuel.  After digestion is complete, the dung makes magnificent
fertilizer for growing food, and it is completely odourless and clean
enough to eat.
> What happens during emergancies? If you submersible gets stuck on the bottom
> for days? You can store food, water, air... wastes? Do what the early
> astronauts did and poop into plastic bags?
If your sub gets stuck on the bottom for days, you've got a lot more to
worry about than going to the bathroom.  If it came to that, I'd abandone
the sub and write it off as a gonner.  TTYL!

Paul Anderson
"This is Maurice, our sheep-hearding carrot."

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