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As one person in correspondence with me mentioned. We have not discussed
toilet facilities.

On a wet sub not problem.

On a semi-dry sub is it so easy? If you pee does it float to the surface
inside your cockpit? Do you swim outside go? Hold you breath while you do it
or do you don scuba?

What do you do in a 1atm? Make short trips? Use a portapotty? Build a toilet?
Pump the stuff overboard? Into a  tank? How do you control odors? I am
concerned because my ultimate design is a diesel-electric submersible with a
1000 mile surface crusing range. I will certainly need to go.

What happens during emergancies? If you submersible gets stuck on the bottom
for days? You can store food, water, air... wastes? Do what the early
astronauts did and poop into plastic bags?
