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Re: HP, weight and visability

>A positively buoyant sub is a very good reason to have a double-hulled sub.
>The outside shell can be fiberglass, and formed to a particular shape, and
>not water-tight at all. The inner shell can be made of fiberglass or metal,
>and in a more "pressure-friendly" shape (like a cylinder).

This outer fiberglass "shell" would also decrease the parasitic drag. The surface drag would increase but overall I think the drag would decrease dramatically.

>See Deep Flight (http://www.deepflight.com) for an example, or the VASH, or
>my design (which I probably will not end up building, but it's kind of cool
>anyway -- http://www.huv.com/jon/MiniSub).
Your module idea is interesting! Any more info on this or was it an unrefined dream?

