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Re: AIPs,WaterJets and Propulsion

In a message dated 4/20/98 1:39:45 AM SA Pacific Standard Time,
tvcmikey@yahoo.com writes:

<< The air to water
 ratio you mentioned could be taken care of by a vacuum created to
 remove CO2 at the same time and replacing the air in the sub by using
 two large pressurized tanks, one pure oxygen, the other plain
 compressed air (like a regular scuba tank), and both holding about 6
 hours worth. Water flow can also be used for steering with a small
 trolling motor to get water flow started when you start up your dive. >>

I must be missing something here, because I don't understand this discussion.
This seems to imply that air pressure is driving water jets, and a trolling
motor is used to 'start' the flow.  This is not at all what I understand
'waterjet' propulsion to be.  Can someone help clear up my misunderstanding?
