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Re: Trolling Motor Compensation

You still have the problem of trying to seal where the wires are coming
out of the motor.  That's the problem I'm faced with now...how to 
pressure compensate (either with liquid or air pressure) and still allow
the six or seven *separate* wires to exit the motor to get to the motor
controller in the 1 atm cabin.


>  Hi, All
> A quick solution:
> Run an air conduit (use an LP hose) from the (ambient) cockpit bubble to the housing on the motor.
> The housing would have a thread tapped into it to take the end of the LP hose. The ambient air in the
> cockpit would compensate the motor internals.  To save on expensive LP hose, use narrow diameter
> plumbing pipe. If the boat's wet, then construct a dedicated bell chamber as a take-up or air sump
> through which your exhaust bubbles would percolate before exiting the cockpit. A 1atm boat would have
> an external system with a pressure differential valve releasing air as needed into the motor housing.
> Rick Lucertini
> Vancouver, Canada

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com