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Re: Electrical system

In a message dated 98-03-27 04:03:21 EST, you write:

<< Oh, minor note for the crew, minor compensation has to be made if you
 design for freshwater and then dive in 
 saltwater. One diesel sub during WW2 came into the Great Lakes and had
 to drop 10,000 lbs of ballast to compensate for freshwater.

This is correct because fresh water is less buoyant (notice the spelling
there?) than salt water.  The difference, I believe, is about 64 lbs. of
buoyancy per cubic foot of air  in salt water and about 62 lbs. of buoyancy
per cubic foot of air in fresh water.  So, in fresh water, it take less
ballast to sink the boat.  

Good point well taken!
