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Re: Pressure regulation

To use a demand type regulator, you would need one side of the diaphram 
to a 1 atm reference.  Seems like a lot of trouble.

With respect to my scrubber design, I plan on using a blower.  I don't 
cabin air would circulate sufficiently otherwise.  The air pickups will be
mounted toward the floor of the cabin with the scrubber being mounter high
to keep moisture out of it.  The blowers I'm using are boat bilge blowers
with an electronic PWN speed control.  It's important to not flow the air
too quickly through the scrubber or sufficient CO2 will not be absorbed.


> I'm planning on doing exactly what Alan Secor suggests. I should have said
> that a really really really sensitive demand regulator can be used. Pressure
> hull flex may influence the set point.
> Alan and Dave, thanks for the scrubber info. Alan, do you plan on passive
> scrubbing, or are you going to build a blower? :-o Joe

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com