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From owner-owner@whoweb.com Sat Mar 14 19:36:22 1998
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Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 19:36:21 -0500 (EST)
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
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>From listmstr@whoweb.com  Sat Mar 14 19:36:18 1998
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From: Subscuba <Subscuba@aol.com>
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Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 19:37:00 EST
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
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Subject: Re: Acrylic viewing dome
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I would be very interested in looking at the sources you mentioned you had or
if you will as you have indicated. The reason I am interested in the
polycarbonate is the visibility where I dive is an average of 20 feet. If my
Sub is moving at 5 knots this does not give me much time to dodge rocks. The
polycarbonate may survive but the acrylic won't. Since the cost and labor is
high I don't want to be constantly buying ports or worse, making them.

If anyone else has a source, other than Australia, I am looking for a diameter
of 24 to 28.5 inch port with a thickness of about 0.25. Elliptical, spherical
or whatever would probably be OK. I would prefer polycarbonate.


Ken Martindale

PS Today, I completed the motor control PWM electronics for my Sub. 20Khz
switcher at about 1.2 KW. Next is the front panel controls.