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more mailing list rules

Hello again,

Here's some more important info on using the mailing list.
There are certain words, and parts of words, that trigger majordomo
into administrative mode instead of message-forwarding mode.  One
of those is unfortunately the very topic that this list is intended

Majordomo interprets the word "sub" as a subscription request.  If
the rest of the line that contains the word "sub" doesn't fit the
subscription syntax, the entire message is rejected by Majordomo.
By default, Majordomo checks the first ten lines of the mail message
for administrative looking commands.  To help facilitate discussions
here, I've changed the code to only look on the first 3 lines.

So if you need to use the word "sub", make sure it is at least 3
lines from the beginning of the message.  Generally, if you submit
a message and do not receive a copy of your own message within
30 minutes or so you can probably conclude that there was a
problem relaying the message to all other members.

1. The server is down.  Not likely, but possible.  Try accessing
the web site at http://www.psubs.org and if you can reach the web
site then you can safely assume the server is operating normally.

2. Email address not registered.  As I stated in earlier mail, you
can only post messages from email accounts that are registered with
the Personal_Submersibles mailing list.  Make sure you are using
the same email account that you registered with the mailing list.

3. You used the dreaded "sub" word, or some other majordomo
command within the first three lines of your mail message.  Check
your copy of the mail message and see if this is true.  If so,
send the message again with the word at lease 4 lines deep in the
body of the message.

If all else fails, send a mail message to listmstr@psubs.org and
I'll determine what caused the error and forward your mail to 
the rest of the members.  (59 members at last count)

Sorry for any confusion, but this is just the way that majordomo
