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Re: Acrylic viewing dome

You can get Sofnolime from O.C. Lugo Co. http://www.oclugo.com/
This is the absorbant used in the Uwatec/Drager Atlantis I rebreather.
I believe the price is in the $1-$2 /lb range depending on quantity.

With respect to O2 regulation, I'm using a standard (ball type) O2 flow 
to regulate the flow into the cabin at .2-.5 lpm.  I have a standard O2
analyzer to monitor FO2 percent and a barameter to monitor cabin pressure
to insure it neither increases or decreases.  The flow rate needs to be 
adjusted based on an individual's rate of metabolizing O2.  Hope this 


> Lithium Hydroxide absorbs CO2. If you can find out where to buy it, let us
> know. Make-up O2 can be provided by metering valve, sensitive demand
> regulator, or any of a number of Rube Goldberg set-ups of partial pressure
> sensors and solenoid valves. :-o Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Everett <deverett@idx.com.au>
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Date: Thursday, March 12, 1998 8:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Acrylic viewing dome
> >At 07:36 PM 11-03-98 -0800, you wrote:
> >>
> >> Also to the people building dry subs, how do you regulate the fresh air
> >>supply and internal pressure? I've spent many sleepless nights thinking
> >>about it (it's better than counting sheep) and have come up with a way
> >>to do it but I probably just re-invented the wheel.
> >>
> >This is an area I haven't given too much thought to yet. I was planning to
> use
> >a system like rebreathers, with a scrubber and a small oxygen cylinder,
> >although I'm not sure how to vent excess Co2. I might have a better idea
> >after I do my rebreather course later this month.
> >
> >Dave Everett.
> >
> >

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com