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Re: Acrylic viewing dome

Hello Dave,

What you are doing sounds interesting. From what I have seen on the Psubs
website, assuming you are building a dry sub, the port may not have enough
strength. Gary Boucher may be able to point you in the direction to the
strength needed for a Pressure port.

My interest is in primarily the port itself. I am building a wet sub and need
a viewing port in the worst way. The port you described in your E-Mail would
fit my sub almost perfectly. Do you have a source for these ports and can they
be made from polycarbonate instead of acrylic? I believe the polycarbonate is
stronger, certainly it's impact strength. The few vendors I have contacted
want thousands and up for a port. That's more than I wish to spend.

I would appreciate hearing from you. I would really like to purchase a port.

Thank you,

Ken Martindale