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Re: Sub Design

Subscuba@aol.com wrote:
> Hello,
> If you do find the data you seek on your sub wall thicknesses, and it is heavy
> in math, I can offer my help with the math. I could use MATHCAD which you can
> also use. I used it quite a bit in the design of my sub. I see by your
> discussion that you are trying a 1 atmosphere or dry sub. How deep are you
> planing for?
> Martin's offer of the spreadsheet sounds good. I would be interested in
> converting the equations to MATHCAD which would probably do the same thing but
> would be easier to see the design equations. MATHCAD costs about $100.
> Martin, are you familar with MATHCAD? I am not too familar with Lotus but I
> have seen it used. I would be interested in the design process from an
> intellectual viewpoint and perhaps make it easier for any others. I have a
> feeling you put a lot of work into the spreadsheet which would be usful to
> others.
> Have Fun,
> Ken Martindale

Subscuba@aol.com wrote:
> Hello Martin,
> Thanks for sending the file. I do not have Lotus but I did try to look at it
> with m/s word to no avail. I take it you have the ABS literature from which
> you developed the spreadsheet. I would still find it interesting to put the
> equations on MATHCAD but I cannot read the Lotus file. Microsoft Word came
> back and said it wasn't formated as a Lotus file probably because your Lotus
> is a later version that  my m/s word  won't recognize.
> I can make MATHCAD print to m/s word as a doc file which may be easier for a
> third party to utilize.
> Thanks for your effort.

Actually, you'd be better off using Excel!   If you can find a copy of the ABS standards
for Underwater Vehicles and Sytems it might be better to go to this source rather than
my spreadsheet.

Martin Sanderse
"Problems worthy of attack
prove their worth by hitting back"    Piet Hein
The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
Professionals harnessing quantitative methods for effective management decisions.

Martin Sanderse
"Problems worthy of attack
prove their worth by hitting back"    Piet Hein
The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
Professionals harnessing quantitative methods for effective management decisions.